How to configure result reports on the platform.

How to configure result reports on the platform.

Evalart offers its users two options for result reports: one corresponds to a detailed report of the results of a test for a particular candidate, and the other is a summarized report with the results of all tests for a selection process, both of which are configurable. You can configure and build your own reports from the "Result Report Types" option and create a new one or clone an existing report to modify it.

In the report configuration, users can add and remove sections, choose what information will be displayed in the report, the score format, the desired font type, and more. To access this configuration, users should:

1. Expand the options list for "Configuration" located in the main menu, select the "Tests" option, and then the "Result Report Types" option.
2. In the "Result Report Types" section, you can choose one of the existing reports and modify it (for this, it is necessary to clone it first, as you don't have permission to edit reports belonging to catalog tests) or create a new one by clicking on the "New" button.
3. Add a description, a report type (psychometric, test, summarized, or custom), and the language.
4. Save and access the configuration of the process or test (depending on whether the report is for the summary by process or for individual tests) to make the desired modifications.

If you want to apply your own report to a catalog test (which you cannot modify), you should indicate that the report replaces the report belonging to that catalog test. This allows you to use your own reports in Evalart tests for which you do not have editing permissions. To replace a report with another, follow these steps:

1. Go to the "Replace this report" field.
2. Expand the list of reports, locate the report you want to replace, and select it.
3. Save the changes.

This way, the platform will display the edited report instead of the report selected in this field. When viewing a report on the platform, it is also possible to directly access the report configuration from the menu in the top right corner of the displayed report (when accessing it this way, the platform will automatically determine if it is necessary to clone the report and/or use the replace report option).
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