How to customize the email sent to the candidate.

How to customize the email sent to the candidate.

The user can customize the email sent to the candidate by following the steps described below:

If the user is within the process configuration:

1. Click on the "Edit Email" button located on the right side in the "Candidates" section.
2. Make the desired customizations to the email.
3. Save the changes using the "Save" button.
4. Additionally, the user can preview the email and/or save it as a template to be used in other processes using the "Save and Preview" and "Save  Template" buttons.

If the user is outside the process configuration:

1. Expand the options menu for "Selection Processes" and select the "Process List" option.
2. In the list, access the configuration by clicking on the key button located on the right side of the process for which you want to modify the email.
3. Click on the "Edit Email" button located on the right side in the "Candidates" section.
4. Make the desired customizations to the email. Here, the user can load saved templates, modify the format, and/or insert dynamic text.
5. Save the changes using the "Save" button.

Additionally, the user can preview the email and/or save it as a template to be used in other processes using the "Save and Preview" and "Save  Template" buttons.

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