How to set up/customize a report.

How to set up/customize a report.

In Evalart, users can use existing reports, customize an existing report, or create their own reports.

If you want to customize an existing report:

1. On the main page, go to the "Configuration" menu located in the platform's main toolbar and select "Tests," followed by "Result Report Types."
2. Locate the report you want to customize and click on the button with the key icon to access the report options. If you don't have the necessary permissions to edit the range, you must clone it first.
3. In the report options, you can add sections and make changes such as modifying the font type, choosing which elements you want to appear in the report header, selecting the information you want to display in the report, changing the color of bars, etc.
4. After making all the desired changes, save them using the "Save" button.

If you want to create your own report:

1. On the main page, go to the "Configuration" menu located in the platform's main toolbar and select "Tests," followed by "Result Report Types."
2. Click on the "New" button to create a new process.
3. In the report options, you can upload your own reports, add sections, choose the font type, elements, and information you want to appear in the report, change the color of bars, etc.
4. After making all the desired changes, save them using the "Save" button.
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