How to upload candidates in bulk.

How to upload candidates in bulk.

It is possible to import candidates using the "Upload Candidates" option through a CSV file. To upload candidates from a CSV file, you should:

1. In the process configuration, click on the "Import Candidates" button and select the "Upload a CSV File" option. A CSV file is a file with data separated by commas and can be generated using a text editor or by saving an Excel file in CSV format.

To upload a CSV file, it should be comma-separated and have the following structure:
Column A -> Email, Column B -> Name, Column C -> Last Name.
Example:, Pedro, Gomez, Alfredo, Perez

2. Click on the "Upload" button and select the file containing the candidates.
3. Ensure that all the candidates have been successfully uploaded.
4. Click on the "Select" button to save the changes.
5. The candidates will be available to add to your selection processes from the process configuration, using the "Select Candidates" option.
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